LeisureHiking participates in various affiliate programs, which means we may receive a fee for referrals made to the following online stores or services. Please be adviced affiliate links placed in the articles don’t change the price for our users if they decide to click through and make a purchase unless otherwise stated. Our referrals will interact with retailer the same way other customers do.
Affiliate commission helps us to provide free up-to-date content to the public by supporting the operation of this website and the team’s contribution. However, we express our personal honest opinion regarding products when reviewing them. We do NOT accept money, gifts, or other incentives from manufacturers or sellers in exchange for recommending something particular.
Amazon Associates Program
LeisureHiking.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com (*Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc., or its affiliates). You can also learn more about the Amazon Affiliate Program online.
Product Linking
Always assume that all references to products and services on the site are made because of the existing material connection between the site and providers of these goods or services. However, despite the existing material connection, we do offer unbiased opinions on any given products. The LeisureHiking.com team doesn’t accept payment from manufacturers in exchange for favorable reviews.
Promotion Policy
We take part in several Affiliate Programs. These programs are advertisement based, and it enables us to receive compensations in the form of commission once users click the chosen links and make an acquisition within a given time. This compensation and advertising policy are openly revealed in every article to inform readers of the means used to fund our website. Buyers, however, must conduct due diligence before purchasing any product online.